The Science Behind Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS), A morals compass for ordinary people

Updated Thursday October 17th, 2024

As a matter of fractals, the Origin of the Global Genome begins in fractals & its easy to understand but not as easy to figure out or, grasp. ..

One's SPIRIT begins down around the Planck scale of things & ends in the Global Genome, then auto-matter-ically adapts as a nucleic acid based organism (NABO) to someone else's idea of a masturbatory fantasy, then dies with what's mattered. ..

1st. The Conclusion: The "Global Genome" is part of, yet apart from the remainder of the Universe? My hypothesis is that the universe "ends" at the "edge" of the global genome of Nucleic-Acid-Based-Organisms (NABOs) where the biological chemistry of Life's matrix begins with tight and weak junctions in water. Nucleic Acid Based Organisms (NABOs) make up the Global Genome (also known as The Phylogenetic Tree Of Life), while the remainder of the Universe is made up of something that is vital for life and the furtherance of the Global Genome, but is not vital in itself, that is, the Universe apart from the Global Genome is NOT alive, or life as we know it. Sound & Light/Colour are distinct from life too I guess?

The biological chemistry of life's matrix begins with tight and weak junctions in water, then we get Nucleic-Acid-Based-Organisms (NABOs), which consume other Nucleic-Acid-Based-Organisms (NABOs) to survive and replicate AND we ALL have the instincts for that evidently, given the global population has increased from 4 billion to 8 billion human beings since 50 years ago...

The Hierarchy of NABOs on the Phylogenetic Tree Of Life making up the Global Genome appears to have been determined by Mankind, without any divine intervention whatsoever, and the status quo we discover ourselves awaking into, or caste into, amounts to nothing more than PREDATION rather than the furtherance of the Common Wealth and Well-Being of communities world wide.

In a nut-shell, capitalism is trumping sharing, caring and kindness...

Please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward. ..

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate. ..

"The Science Behind Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS), A morals compass for ordinary people"

Lead by example, follow with respect . . .

Download the science behind SARS pdf file today.

Please note, this compilation of short essays is a work in progress, with all sections still in the development stage of creation, so please check back from time to time for updates.

1. Upon reflection, it appears to me that we emerge into life within the confines of a photon bilayer, sensate with our inner and outer oculars, as nucleic acid based organisms (NABO's).
2. We consume other nucleic acid based organisms to survive, and replicate.
3. We suffer the pain associated with accountable living and suffer the pain associated with responsible parenting because of the effects of survival and replication syndrome (SARS = survival and replication syndrome).
4. There are three types of fear only, fear of hunters, fear of being ourselves, and fear of loosing privileges.
5. Truth is.
6. Money talks.
7. Life is its own reward.
8. There is no time like the present.
9. Listen with empathy, act with grace.
10. Be yourself free yourself, be sensible be safe, its your call.
11. Forgiveness: First accept forgiveness, then pass it on.
12. Honour thy Father and thy Mother.
13. Life is the breath of God, and the mirror of illusion reflects us all, so far.
14. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if God won't take you, the Devil must.
15. The further we climb up the Ivory Tower, the closer to the septic tank we find ourselves.
16. The pen is mightier than the sword, never surrender your ink.
17. Wake up Canada, defend Democracy.
18. Evolution: Is always changing.
19. If you can help someone along the way, then your life will not have been in vain.
20. We are community, emerging in the spirit of the moment and the equation for global community = k/x (knowledge / population).
21. How on Earth everything got started is still a mystery, or at least it was...
22. Adopt an attitude until it becomes a habit, and with a bit of work and a bit of luck, a person may develop a new way of life.
23. Death Before Dishonour.
24. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, its so yesterday.
25. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
26. What God has joined together, no Man will tear asunder.
27. You've got to keep the Devil down in the hole.
28. Don't give up.
29. Music paints all paths the same colour and all colours the same path.
30. The Art of Survival And Replication Syndrome (The Art of War = Surround & Starve, Divide & Conquer (see image below).
31. The Art of Love: First you take her, then you hold her (The Art of Love = Surround & Saturate, Divide & Concur).

The Heart of SARS: 1. There are no sins being committed today, there were no sins committed before today and there will be no sins committed tomorrow or any time after that, because upon reflection, it's evident apparently, that we emerge into the ubiquitous universe of quanta and waves amid the phylogenetic tree of nucleic acid based organisms (NABOs), surviving and replicating as Homo sapiens (human beings) in homeostatic symbiosis (sic) with other NABOs, sensate with our inner and outer oculars as nucleic acid based organisms. And there are only felonies, misdemeanours and twists of fate, so to speak...

Its been known for hundreds if not thousands of years, that offspring inherit traits or recognizable characteristics from their parents or grandparents, be they human beings, animals or vegetables, so to speak. Its only in the past 100 years, since the mid 1900's in Western culture, that we've discovered nucleic acids emerging somewhere between the sub-atomic depths of the Planck scale on the one hand, to the full sized nucleic acid molecule, interacting with its immediate cellular environment, then all the way up the Planck scale to the overt level where we identify the overt differences between NABOs, a work in progress… (See MCfOP: 22)

The dawn of this new perspective meets with both excitement and dread, I'd say? What will be lost with this new knowledge? What will be gained with this new knowledge? What will remain the same? We can observe from the phylogenetic tree of NABOs that we're all connected, albeit with different structural and functional capacities, and the fact that we're human beings rather than something else on the planet is a privilege many of us have not fully realized yet?

Where do we go from here you may well be asking yourself? What has changed in addition to how we appear today as compared to yesterday? Ho will we feel about ourselves as nucleic acid based organisms suffering Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS) as opposed to how we already perceive ourselves? At this point it may appear to you as it does to me that nucleic acid based organisms emerge deep on the Planck scale, yet we don't appear to exist deeper than the nucleic acid level, where we may still be considered simply as sub-atomic particles, so to speak?

At present, Homo sapiens appear to be the dominant predator on planet Earth, with a role to play? That role is to inspire or socially engineer the human population to preserve the remainder of the NABOs on Earth.

As a matter of fractals, the Origin of the Global Genome begins in fractals & its easy to understand but not as easy to figure out or grasp, please see illustration below. ..

One's SPIRIT begins down around the Planck scale of things & ends in the Global Genome, then auto-matter-ically adapts as a nucleic acid based organism (NABO) to someone else's idea of a masturbatory fantasy, then dies with what's mattered. ..

The Heart of SARS: 2. We consume other nucleic acid based organisms to survive, and replicate.

For whatever apparent reason, we are born into a family, which often times changes during the course of our lives, and includes kin, friends and acquaintances. These are what we may call our biological or genetic influences as well as circumstantial influences, normally termed memes.

We are also born into an environment which beckons towards the future, albeit full of memories of the past. These influences are what are called our circumstantial stimuli or memes, and are determined by geographic location and socio-economic privilege.

Not only do we appear to find ourselves juxtaposed between these two poles, being guided by our own genes and memes, identifying who we are in the World by the impression we fabricate, but we are also faced with two options moving ahead: 1, To kill ourselves, or something else, before something kills us (Clonal Deletion Theory) or 2, We're realized, humanized, amortized, euthanized and infinitized (see below) in a democracy or dirigisme. Once again, these options are determined by our geographic location and socio-economic privilege.

As we recreate ourselves every day, combining our resources in Art, Science, Practice, Experience, Knowledge, Technology and Beliefs, or ASPEKT-B, we must not only brace ourselves for the World as we try to be ourselves in this World of socio-economic disparity, such as it is, still, but we must also come to terms with our three options on any issue, acceptance, veto or compromise, leading towards a homeostatic symbiosis or peace, order and good governance, to use everyday terms. How we exercise these options will be dependant not only upon our lineage but also on our potential to lead, among other things.

The Heart of SARS: 3. We suffer the pain associated with accountable living and suffer the pain associated with responsible parenting because of the effects of survival and replication syndrome (SARS = survival and replication syndrome).

An adaptation of a illustration courtesy of "DNA and the Criminal Justice System, The Technology of Justice" Edited by David Lazar (2004)

At this cultural intersectionality, described by Wikipedia as, "an overlap of cultural identities," ordinary people are still being cast into cultural groups based upon gender, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, religion, age, nationality and more, especially when they apply for jobs, apply for a bank loan, apply for travel visas, search for a partner or simply finding peace with the World in other ways. So, with a view to reconciling this overlap, here is the platform for the differences between Good, Bad and Ugly behaviour.

"Break all the rules within the Law" is how I describe good behaviour, the Law comprising of both Natural and Human laws.

Bad behaviour is not only discouraged by demonstrating and rewarding good behaviour, but also by deterring refusal to comply with the Law, by using a range of measures all the way from disciplinary to grave.

Ugly behaviour leads to loss of privilege(s), and requires reconciliation with the truth. Upon reconciliation, retraining, reintegration and reemployment usually follow, thus preventing regression, retaliation, rebellion, and reset of the status quo.

We still find apparent breakdowns in good governance and comportment, or albedo, based upon what we were taught and what we've learned through experience to be observable everywhere we go; and that's why we have the police.

For example, lets just say a new Civilization has emerged, and someone has been accused of jiggery-pokery, and its your job to determine if there is evidence to support that allegation? So you're wondering to yourself, "What is normal and/or typical behaviour in this civilization, and how will I train my surveillants (French) or supervisors (English) to ID that?" We need to determine if there is evidence to support that the accusation is true, or if its a false accusation?

A lot of people have a lot of theories about what ought to be normal human behaviour. However, because of the variability of species of Homo sapiens, typical behaviour for one species type may not be the same as is typical for a different species type; so what's normal? And because there is a lot of variable species types of Homo sapiens, normally called human beings, an acceptable normal must have a broad range to include 95% of the typical behaviours of the different species, as that is the definition of normal when used in this context. Otherwise the normal is leveraged or skewed somehow, perfidious xenophobia or Nazi eugenics for example?

Be that as it may, normal behaviour under lockdown conditions is pretty much the behaviour you would typically expect to find under those circumstances, for example, musicians typically practice a couple of hours a day because they need to work day jobs to support themselves, however, they may practice longer if circumstances permit, for instance, they've got either public or private funding to support their endeavour in the trickle-up economy we appear to be entering into? And as long as everyone is only breaking the rules within the laws that civilization permits, then no one's likely to get arrested for jiggery-pokery?

Here are a bunch of 'policing' attributes that I've 're-employed' from the Internet ; )

Lead by example, follow with respect

Loyalty and devotion to the service and subordination of personal interests in and convenience to the interests of the service

Integrity and high standards of honesty

Courage, both physical and moral

Determination and ability to overcome difficulties

Originality, resourcefulness, and adaptability

Strength of character Impartiality and fair-mindedness

Pride in doing a job well for its own sake, and not for possible rewards

Good manners, tact, and consideration for others

The confidence of knowledge and the humility necessary to acquire knowledge

Readiness and ability to accept responsibility

Length and breadth of vision

Clear and logical thinking, and the ability to weigh and assess the value of evidence

Methodical habits

Critical faculties Ability to express ideas in clear and concise language

Ability to impart knowledge and give directions

Humanity and sympathy with human problems

General knowledge of all branches of police work (clue = library books)

General knowledge of the world and of humanity

The Heart of SARS: 4. There are three types of fear born out of fright; flight or fight?, fear of predators, fear of loosing privileges, as well as fear of being ourselves?

If Life = Realized, Humanized, Amortized, Euthanized, Infinitized, where "infinitized = beyond reductionism" broadly speaking, then this illustration describes that pathway towards life, I'd say? The plants, animals and the remainder of mankind are probably going through this same adaptive processes with the World they find themselves in as we are?

There is Nothing beyond reductionism, but the unknown

Distance can be measured using a yard stick or if you prefer metric, a meter stick. Distance can also be measured in depth, socio-economic privilege, perspective on life, among others.

Beyond reductionism lies the electromagnetic spectrum of various wavelengths and frequencies, as well as a bunch of quanta according to Planck.

Somehow this all gets going everyday out in space, so to speak, and the images below show more precisely how this occurs, and ends up with the phenotype of the World we sense with our five (hopefully) senses on a daily basis.

The images on the left are approximately 10,000,000,000 times smaller than the images on the right or, approximately 10 or orders of magnitude smaller.

The Heart of SARS: 5. Truth is.

Truth is what is evident beyond dispute to all parties involved in the discovery. For example, an apple tree is called an apple tree when apples are evident upon the branches. Also, an apple tree may be evident as a sapling, even as a specific kind of apple tree, beyond dispute, by using DNA testing, even when the sapling appears the same as all other saplings. This is just one example of the advances the molecular age will leave us with.

Its also become evident that our structure and how we function isn't entirely dependent upon our genes. Different cultures from around the World have similar body movements, yet these body movements relay a different message to different people, depending upon their country or origin. NASA has discovered the human body's neutral position in microgravity during flights in Skylab, so presumably our movements outside of this neutral position are for the purpose of survival and replication?

The Heart of SARS: 6. Money talks.

In a nut-shell, socioeconomic incarceration means we need an income to survive, never mind survive and replicate. For over 5,000,000 Canadians approaching retirement or already retired, and for poor people in Canada and around the World who are either retired or under employed and poor, this is old news. "Doing nothing isn't fun," and even that takes money. As well, many poor people including retirees, find themselves abandoned by the wealthy elites and left to do nothing because the money isn't there to build proper community infrastructure. Really, how difficult can it be to build community clubs and whatnot for those people needing them? How else will the gigging community that's fast emerged get to meet other people, and get a paying gig?

Never mind that the archaic socioeconomic structure we find ourselves living in today was designed by Nazi eugenicists in the late 1800's, and rears its presence in the form of racism and bigotry, we're still here and we still need to survive. Having said that, its been my experience that revitalizing music helps to bring joy back to people in the 'present moment' so to speak, albeit a transient affect. I know, I've got 15 years experience at that. Also, person to person contact revitalizes people, a trait probably dating back to our primordial ancestors and overlooked by Nazi eugenicists.

So what direction does that point us to as we approach retirement or the rest of our lives? Apart from becoming musicians and volunteering to entertain more or simply reaching out to other people, there really isn't any more that we can do? The system hasn't changed in 150 years, so it unlikely to change now?

Country Road, performed by the Riverview Rockers

The Heart of SARS: 7. Life is its own reward.

There are 5 levels of consciousness that I reckon are "active" (one way or another) at all times, that go into our actions: Overt, Mental Imagery, Memories, Molecular and Pre-Molecular (fractals), I reckon? & consciousness develops concomitantly, all at once, at the same time, concurrently or auto-matter-ical-ly with the development of a NABO or nucleic-acid-based-organism, e.g., a human being.. ..

Wait a minute, I've changed my mind, lol. There are 31 "Orbitals of Evolutionary Expectation & Consciousness" although most of us are only familiar with one or them and that's our outer orbital of evolutionary expectation, or simply put, our outer orbital of evolutionary expectation is as far as our development here on Earth as Nucleic Acid Base Organisms or NABOs can be seen to go, or that we can be seen to have reached. Its not likely we're going to develop a "non-human" phenotype.

#1 up to #10 covers a bunch of physics 10 orders of magnitude thick from the Planck Scale of things at Evolutionary Orbital #1 to the Elemental or Atomic orbital at Evolutionary Orbital #10, whereas the orbitals of evolutionary expectation from #11 up to #31 takes us from the pre-element/element/post-element-pre-molecular orbital (#11) up to the overt orbital of Evolutionary expectation (#31) where you and I can be seen to be upon reflection. ..

Using Perspective, or the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular view point?

In my hand in the picture below, I'm holding a model of a small molecule with the volume that appears about the same volume as a tennis ball, approximately.

Using the same scale, a human is 20 orders of magnitude larger in volume than a tennis ball: So, use the internet to look up the volume of a tennis ball and multiply that volume by 20 orders of magnitude to get your relative size, were the molecule the size of a tennis ball.

tennis-ball-volume X 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 = Your Volume

The Planck Scale of thing is 10 orders of magnitude smaller than the molecule & appears to exist outside of the global genome.

For the most part, Life as we understand it replicates either sexually or asexually. And at the overt level, or the same level that we are able to use our five senses, its pretty easy to tell the difference between one species and another. However, at the embryonic level its a bit more difficult for the untrained eye to tell the difference between one species and another.

Evidently, one of the earliest photographs of a Human Being has been captured using a camera and a microscope, and this photograph illustrates the full complement, or karyotype, of male human chromosomes, comprising of deoxyribonucleic acids, making us humans "nucleic acid based organisms" or "NABOs." Females have two "X" chromosomes, otherwise we're pretty much identical.

Upon reflection, its become apparent that because of environmental as well as minor genomic differences, we've turned out visibly different overtly. We're also visibly different from other NABOs on the Phylogenetic Tree of Life, such as fruit, insects, animals, et cetera.

While these overt differences make it easy to separate humans from other NABOs, our common origin is nucleic acids, of which there are a handful that go into making ALL life possible; a handful of different nucleic acids...

So from the quantum perspective of life, just a tad before nucleic acids emerge up from the Planck scale, we may simply appear as "molecular dust" or whatever precedes the emergence of Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine is called.

At the cellular level, Life appears to begin in humans when the sperm meets the ovum. The sperm being about 2/1000ths of an inch in length while the size of the human ova is approximately 4/1000ths of an inch. Humans are approximately 60 inches in length, so this means we cannot see a sperm with the naked eye, as its about 1/30000th the size of us (60 X 1/500). This is a little over 4 orders of magnitude deep to the overt level of life we routinely encounter on a daily basis.

Within the sperm and ovum we have the genetic material to facilitate the fabrication of a new organism. The diameter of a double stranded DNA helix is approximately 20 nanometers, or 20/1000000000ths of a meter; the lenght is variable. Humans, as mentioned above are usually less than 2 meters (80 inches) in length. To get some perspective, this means that DNA is about 10 orders of magnitude smaller than a human.

An atom, or a small molecule consisting of 3 atoms, for example a carbon dioxide with an atomic radius of about 120 picometers, is approximately 20 orders of magnitude smaller than us in volume. All "depths" are illustrated in this diagram, remarkably. (source =

The Conclusion: The "Global Genome" is part of, yet apart from the remainder of the Universe? My hypothesis is that the universe "ends" at the "edge" of the global genome of Nucleic-Acid-Based-Organisms (NABOs) where the biological chemistry of Life's matrix begins with tight and weak junctions in water. Nucleic Acid Based Organisms (NABOs) make up the Global Genome (also known as The Phylogenetic Tree Of Life), while the remainder of the Universe is made up of something that is vital for life and the furtherance of the Global Genome, but is not vital in itself, that is, the Universe apart from the Global Genome is NOT alive, or life as we know it. Sound & Light/Colour are distinct from life too I guess?

Beyond the depths of the "Planck Scale of Things" is what I'm suggesting is our common internal ocular, where "our" = all nucleic acid based organisms (NABOs).

Up a few "depths" from the Planck Scale of Things is "A Bunch of Physics" 10 orders of magnitude or so thick, bringing us up the the orbital where atoms form (The Periodic Table Of Elements).

The volume of a carbon atom is approximately 2 X 10^-20 nano meters cubed & this carbon atom will either become part of the Global Genome of nucleic acid based organisms or it won't.

So, for some atoms, the Universe ends when those atoms become distinct from the universe or are at the end of the universe & are on the verge of becoming NABOs at the edge of the Global Genome. The volume of a human is 150 pints approximately. ..

If a Man were to "catch" a hand-full of ejaculate/sperm/cum, He would be looking at the equivalent of, "One sperm molecule magnified 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 times," or 20 orders of magnitude magnification. & for perspective, that's the ratio in volume of planet Earth to a Pint Of Beer approximately.

So, viewing that perspective two ways only, and there are many in-between ways too, a person may think of themselves as a pint of beer looking out at the planet Earth when they are fighting the world & themselves. Or, them may look at the pint of beer as redundant to the remainder of the Global Genome on Earth when they assume that global perspective.

Or, a person who believes their value as a real property is equivalent to the the value of planet earth, but view and presume other people's property value amounts to the equivalent worth of a pint of beer, ought to remember perspective, being that the Sun is only 100,000,000 miles away, and their perspective needs to account for 3 orders of magnitude of space plus a bunch of physics 10 orders of magnitude thick before the sperm gets to become sperm. ..

That's "Short Sighted" because:

100,000,000,000,000,000,000 is bigger than 100,000,000, and if they can't see to the Planck scale of things, how on Earth in the name of God are they going to be able to see twice as far at that the other way at the same time?

I'd like to propose the origin of life as emerging from a FRACTAL, an artists sketch of a fractal is shown here:

And it comes into play at the depths and breadth of existence as its know to date, the depths of the Planck scale or a billion X a billion X a billion X a billion times smaller than the things we see overtly, between the "ends" of the electromagnetic spectrum, albeit shown to be smaller than the atomic nucleus in the illustration below:

The Fractal concept I'm proposing = A fractal is a common deviser that goes into everything. I use the word 'deviser' deliberately, so's to reflect both division and devising. A Fractal works at all orbitals of evolutionary expectation on the Planck scale, dividing or devising, so to speak. For example, the icosahedral symmetry of the virus and the soccer ball demonstrate fractal geometry, as they both have icosahedral symmetry. Likewise the Police Officer and the Immune Cell both 'police' their beat, so to speak. And finally, the snare protein and the hemp rope both have coiled symmetry (as shown above in section 4).

Take care, and please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward. And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate : )

The Heart of SARS: 8. There is no time like the present.

So let us examine what I'm contesting is the primordial fractal, born out of fright; flight or fight? To kill ourselves (fight) or something else (flight), before something (fright) kills us, may be another way to phrase that from a psychological as well as a biological perspective?

The Root/Route Cause Of Suicide:

Using the Clonal Deletion principle illustrated above (Scientific America, 1993), I'm going to try to explain the absolute or archetypical root/route cause of suicide. I'm going to call the concept a 'fractal' or a diviser, to imply both "divided" as well as "devising."

The results of the pivotal or archetypical Clonal Deletion experiment from the 1990's, demonstrates evidently that innately we kill off our own immune response cells that will harm us, and the ones that are left arm us for what may harm us later in life. Something like, "What doesn't kill you leaves you as prepared as you'll ever be for the next predator to come along."

The clonal deletion process occurs at the molecular orbital of the Planck scale. At the overt orbital it looks like suicide in some cases. In other cases it simply looks like predatory human behaviour. Between the two orbitals are about 10 orders of magnitude of magnification, or they're a billion albedos apart, so to speak?

This appears to illustrate what I'm calling a sacrifice in order to survive "fractal" at the molecular level. However, at the overt level this fractal concept, "sacrifice to survive" is affected by accumulated lifetime experiences or memes, which in my view appear to be able to leverage an atypical response from some of us in order for us to oblige the fractal's inherent dividing/devising obligation to avoid predators, for example, suicide? I suspect Fractals work at all orbitals of evolutionary expectation on the Planck scale, dividing or devising, so to speak?

The Heart of SARS: 9. Listen with empathy, act with grace.

Of the 5.5 billion homo sapiens that died during the 20th Century, 96% died from the effects of survival and replication syndrome under conditions of socioeconomic incarceration, and 4% died from the effects of war ( Therefore, socioeconomic incarceration appears to be the root cause of depression, abandonment and fear of dying surrounded by strangers, either directly or virtually, for example, TV, video games, hand held devices of one description or another, et cetera? The world appears to have turned to "talking plastic" for answers and forgotten the human element of life?

With the World population growing at approximately 50,000 homo sapiens per day, the Global population has reached three times the population it had since I was born, with no slow down in sight or on site, so to speak ( How else are we going to resolve conflicts at the many cultural intersections, or intersectionalities as I call them, without listening with empathy as well as acting with grace?

Sadly, meritocracy and egalitarianism are mythological words these days, so too is altruism. That being said, practicing care giving, understanding, tenderness and empathy amid vulnerable people is the only way to move ahead I'd contest.

The Heart of SARS: 10. Be yourself free yourself, be sensible be safe, its your call.

To begin to understand what we are, we must first understand a little about how we get here. The origins of phylogenetics, or the evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, has been described concisely by an anonymous artist using beads and feathers to illustrate the Phylogenetic Tree Of Life on a small drum.

Think of the tail end of the straps in the image on the drum as the depths of the Planck scale of life, 10^-36, where I'm proposing fractals emerge? Think of the broach in the center of the image as a sphere of the cumulative nucleic acid genome of the World we live on at the present time, albeit further up the Plank scale of life from fractals. Think of the two, red, white and blue feathers as the albedo of all life amid the Phylogenetic Tree Of Life existing at the overt level of the Planck scale, 10^0, an apparently much larger sphere. It appears as if an innate fractal concept may apply here, Pi?

The feathers on the outer side of the drum probably represent Valkyries, Windigos, Sleeping Grumps or other ethereal fractal concepts, which become aroused from their slumbers by the banging of the drum with the drum stick. We can see that there are only two Great Bear paws apparent, so the Great Bear must be attempting to evoke some change in the status quo by banging the drum with the other two paws so's to awaken the Valkyries, etc., like when Sigurd awakens Brynhild after she took off and went to sleep 'cos her dad, Odin, was upset at her over something, so to speak?

The Heart of SARS: 11. Forgiveness: First accept forgiveness, then pass it on.

History is full of unforgivable crimes, so how can we accept forgiveness then pass it on, I ask you? Not easily, if at all, and that's pretty much the state of the World these days, unforgiving. Attenuating or softening our position on issues moving towards a consensus isn't easy, and forgiving our aggressors is even more difficult, especially when we're a few pieces short of a complete picture. But if we can do it then maybe others can too, and that's a start.

So how do peace, order and good governance emerge in structured societies? Once again the answer is, not easily if at all, and if we take a look at mainstream news, we experience the effects of war and unrest visually and audibly although not physically.

The question that needs to be answered now is, "How does anyone assume a leadership role with a view to demonstrating peace, order and good governance, as well as forgiveness? Where in the World do we see these attributes exemplified?" Apart from the home environment and the classroom at schools, these attributes seem to get lost once people get free reign over their own options, without thinking of the downside of their actions; poor planning leads to bad situations basically.

The Heart of SARS: 12. Honour thy Father and thy Mother.

"My father was a soldier, my mother was a teacher, but lets face it, how many of us have ancestors who weren't?" Mine weren't, however, some days we're obliged to take a more anthropological look at our ancestry than others. I learned almost all of what I know about life from my mother, and as much about Man from my father as I could before he died, and the rest I've learned from my life's journey up to today, pretty much?

All of us along our ancestral genetic lines probably have soldiers and teachers as our forbearers, and that's probably the only reason we're here today? So lets be thankful that someone got us here, whether by accident or design, even if we do need to go a few rungs up the family tree to find someone whose attributes we're glad we inherited. Mind you, I've also heard it said that we may not wish to look too far up our family tree, just in case there are things we don't need to see?

So what is Mankind? A golem (a clay figure brought to life by magic)? A product of recycled information? Someone who follows instructions meticulously? Someone who works 16 hours per day, 364 days of the year, but only 12 hours on the other day? The answer for Homo sapiens is simply genes and memes, and the four basic combinations are:

good genes and good memes
good genes and bad memes
bad genes and good memes
bad genes and bad memes

Where good genes don't leave a person with a limited functional capacity, and good memes inspire homeostasis, or the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent species, maintained by the normal functions of living organisms within their environments.

The Heart of SARS: 13. Life is the breath of God, and the mirror of illusion reflects us all, so far...

"Life is the breath of God, and the mirror of illusion reflects us all, so far" is a euphemism, meaning that in the spirit of the moment, the albedo reflected into outer space is different everywhere around the globe, planet Earth. Canada is a country shared by many species, including Homo sapiens, and its become evident that over the past century, perfidious xenophobia whose origin is rooted in Nazi eugenics, led to massive socio-economic disparity whereby privileged classes in high society fabricated pathological disease for much of today's vulnerable population.

The Heart of SARS: 14. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if God won't take you, the Devil must.

It appears from the literature that we began to evolve as creatures long before we emerged as Homo sapiens. Since the Big Bang, estimated by research scientists to have occurred approximately 14 billion years ago, life has evolved from sub atomic particles including the electron and the photon to become the World of nucleic acid based organisms we experience today.

Our kinemas, which I read (somewhere) are our smallest units of meaningful behaviour, are dependant upon our structure and how able we are to function within our environments. However, these kinemas, for example facial gestures, have not been found to have the same universal meaning. While our behaviours will determine how well we fit in with our communities, it's best to be mindful that ethnocentrism plays a role in whether we're accepted or rejected by others in our communities.

0137310 pretty well puts into numbers what COVID-19, or any pathological virus can do to the global population, which has doubled to 8 billion over the past 50 years, making us twice as hungry as a species, and forcing us into uncharted regions of the Earth (where previously undisturbed virus live). And now we gotta back outta the jungles and learn how to do more with less before more virus induced global pandemics like COVID-19 spiral us deeper into the nadir of despair than many of us already are?

The Heart of SARS: 15. The further we climb up the Ivory Tower, the closer to the septic tank we find ourselves.

So how do we focus into a region of the natural and socioeconomic perspectives of life, with a view to symbiosis in the global community? Irrespective of where on the global, Kallikak-like socio-economic scheme of things we believe ourselves to be, I'd say we're not at the top, any of us? Mind you, from an innate as well as a sensate perspective, it certainly appears to me as if many of us believe we are more worthy than someone else, so to speak.

The "septic tank" may be understood as follows (I hope?). For the sake of simplicity let's use two words analogously, "kinema" and "pixel" to describe what's beneath the "subnet mask" or the septic tank. If we had the functional capacity to watch a video of two dogs taking turns chewing a bone, and someone asked us what we were doing, we would reply, "Watching a video of two dogs chewing a bone" and that would typically take a couple of seconds. And if someone asked us if the two dogs were well behaved, we would probably answer "Yes" if that's how they appeared to us? However, lets break that down a lot more using a maths example first, then the biological explanation. Please bear with me if you're not into maths, it doesn't take long.

For the sake of simplicity, lets say that the movie of the two dogs chewing a bone is 1 hour long, and is displayed at 1 frame per minute, and there are 100 pixels per frame. Using multiplication, we calculate the number of pixels displayed over the full length of the movie to be: 1 X 60 X 100 = 6000 pixels total. The 6000 pixels displayed over the course of an hour on a monitor or screen of some kind is what is called the subnet "mask" and viewing it leads us to conclude two dogs were chewing a bone in a well behaved manner. Beneath the subnet mask is the subnet, and that's what goes into putting the video there for us to view. The video itself is the mask, and everything else (in the world) apart from the video on display is the subnet (septic tank), or in video movie terms, the kinematics or the forces which cause the motion picture to be displayed.

A more realistic "mask" is the book "Shake Hands with the Devil," where Lieutenant-General Romeo Antonius Dallaire talks about a brutally efficient genocide that lasted 100 days and led to the murder of 800,000 Tutsi, Hutu moderates, and caused over two million people to be displaced internally or in neighbouring African countries? It ended in 1994, though recrimination, retribution, and criminal prosecutions continue to the present day. By reading the book we view the mask so to speak. However, according to the radio, Lieutenant-General Romeo Antonius Dallaire and I suspect a lot of his command still continue to re-live the slaughter and horror behind the mask...

Using the definitions, kinema = smalles unit of behaviour, and pixel = smallest area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed, we may intuit (either correctly or erronously) that many kinemas are involved when two dogs are chewing a bone.

Because many of us haven't had sufficient training with a view to survival, replication, responsible, accountable and symbiotic living, its up to some of us to figure out the lifelong learning strategies and the associated financial burdens required to include everyone, including those of us who appears overtly to reside on the lower end of the Kallikac socio-economic scale, and work towards an accord, like a Two Row Wampum between indigenous populations and immigrants around the world, so to speak, and start the restoration and recovery of friendly relations? And just keep working at it?

To be continued . . .

Photo courtesy of "DNA and the Criminal Justice System, The Technology of Justice" Edited by David Lazar (2004)

The Heart of SARS: 16. The pen is mightier than the sword, never surrender your ink.

If the endeavor into the unknown is to discover what we're made of at all times, "When are we as a species going to begin applying what we've learned?" Well the answer to that question isn't difficult to determine, "Not in the near future, I'd say." Much of what we've learned isn't being applied for any number of reasons, notably among these reasons is money. New discoveries cost money, even though the new discoveries are built upon previous discoveries, published in the literature throughout time, and deposited in libraries for all to read. However, it seems a 'pay per view' option has been applied to knowledge, so to speak, and we pay either physically, emotionally or financially as these discoveries are put to good use, depending upon which rung of the socioeconomic ladder we find ourselves, in my opinion? If you are reading this thesis, then you, like I, are probably on the lower rungs of the socioeconomic ladder by Canadian standards for one or all of the costs of SARS or survival and replication syndrome?

eBooks are becoming increasingly popular among readers of all ages except the elderly, who aren't connected via social media to the internet, or by either letter writing (texting) or otherwise. Simply reading a book out loud or a letter from a distant, long lost friend or family member, can revitalize and reconnect loved ones. Sadly, some elderly people can't read and write anymore because of glaucoma and arthritis or something like that, and these are the people who can be reconnected via volunteers, interfacing between the devil and the deep blue sea, so to speak.

Reading out loud and letter writing, or texting, doesn't sound like a very effective way to connect and interact, however, if we break communication down to its fundamental elements (ABC, abc), we find reading and writing, or texting, are very popular ways to communicate. Extending our abilities to those less able to communicate opens up doors to communication avenues that may well have been closed for some time. When we re-open these avenues, nothing but the reward of our labor is enjoyed, as we delight in the smiles of those who were previously alone.

I recommend following this guide during the Global severe-accute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) or COVID-19 because it was first detected in 2019, or "COVID" for publication and broadcasting purposes, pandemic, because at present there is neither a PROVEN vaccine nor effective prophylactic measures in healthcare to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 biological pathogen from continuing to erode or eat away at our well-being indefinitely.

People with limited functional capacities in Personal Care Homes around the Globe are especially vulnereable, given that they often tend to be under the care of under-trained Personal Care Workers, often working for minimum wage, who in some regions often appear more interested in the latest social-media spectacle that's being publicized or broadcast, than the folks they're maintaining the well-being of, sadly...

Forming a PERIMETER around an issue that disturbs the peace ought to be INTUITIVE for anyone living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, so I reckon the cause of almost 1000 severe acute respiratory syndrome fatalities are the fault of the Pallister Government...

The excuses for 1000 unnecessary severe acute respiratory syndrome deaths are inexcusable, and someone ought to be held accountable I reckon?

All we needed to do was cordon off the personal care homes where well-being was effected by COVID, and ensure enough capable and competent personal care workers got in and out safely and soundly to care for those affected with severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2 to prevent them dying of COVID...

Please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward...

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate...

The Heart of SARS: 17. Wake up Canada, defend Democracy.

Is 'Talking Plastic' becoming a blight on democracy, when democracy can be spelled out in 69 words:

1. People air their thoughts with intelligent freedom upon issues.

2. A consensus or reconciliation is formed upon the issue by as many people involved with the issue as possible under the circumstances.

3. The 'Affects' of the consensus are Policed (somehow) for Good, Bad or Ugly 'Effects' that emerge in society as a result of the reconciliation, and a determination is made upon how to correct the ugly effects moving ahead.

Photo courtesy of "Looking Out/Looking In, Interpersonal Communication, 2nd Edition (1978) by Ron Adler and Neil Towne"

The Heart of SARS: 18. Evolution: Is always changing.

A lot of people have a lot of theories about what ought to be normal human behaviour. However, because of the variability of species of Homo sapiens, typical behaviour for one species type may not be the same as is typical for a different species type; so what's normal? And because there is a lot of variable species types of Homo sapiens, normally called human beings, an acceptable normal must have a broad range to include 95% of the typical behaviours of the different species, as that is the definition of normal when used in this context. Otherwise the normal is leveraged or skewed somehow?

Be that as it may, normal behaviour under lockdown conditions is pretty much the behaviour you would typically expect to find under those circumstances, for example, musicians typically practice a couple of hours a day because they need to work day jobs to support themselves, however, they may practice longer if circumstances permit, for instance, they've got either public or private funding to support their endeavour in the trickle-up economy we appear to be entering into? And as long as everyone is only breaking the rules within the law then no one's likely to get arrested.

The Heart of SARS: 19. If you can help someone along the way, then your life will not have been in vain.

It's 2020, and a lot of people are still finding themselves in the quicksand of a broken social system. Sinking one way or another because someone omitted to set up a safety net, so to speak. That's when our 'Good Samaritan' gene outta kick in, I'd say, and we turn our minds to the more difficult of life's problems, poverty and wretchedness-like appearance, and wonder, "How can we improve this appearance?"

With so many different cultures from around the World merging at our current cultural intersectionality, how do we determine who to help and who not to help? How can we tell who is in need of our help given that all human beings are subject to circadian rhythms of life as well as Man made laws, and we all need to survive and replicate?

As we age, our abilities to recognize vulnerable people becomes sharper, I'd say. For example, lets say an elderly person moves from one location where their community of friends were supportive and nurturing to another community where they have no immediate friends or family. How can we entrain this person to gradually fall into synchronicity with the new environment?

There is no end to volunteering if we look for it. Someone always needs help, whether it be emotional, intellectual or physical help, and the need for volunteers will always be in high demand. The toll on volunteers is high too, always giving and not getting time to recharge their batteries can bring down even the most caring of volunteers. That's why it's important to take regular breaks, or to change from one kind of volunteer activity to another.

The Heart of SARS: 20. We are community, emerging in the spirit of the moment (see the equation for global community below).

For Olive Garbutt (my mother), for Canada - The equation for global community: k/x

Let "x" = the number of nucleic acid based organisms on the surface of the Earth at this precise moment in time.

Let "k" = the cumulative knowledge from all time, gathered from the lives of all nucleic acid based organisms, what they were taught, what they learned through experience, and how they would prefer their legacy to be engraved on mankind's final tombstone.

Then: Community = k/x

The Heart of SARS: 21. How on Earth everything got started is still a mystery, or at least it was...

At the beginning, Life is GENErated Auto-matter-ically. ..

Life is generated automatterically:

At the beginning, microcosms of focused energy appear to be generated auto-matter-ically from ribonucleic acids and deoxy-ribonucleic acids amid Time and Gravity, bringing about autonomic animation of a Global Genome of Habitants, Habitating their Habitat, on Earth, as part of the very fabric of the Universe <--- otherwise know as Life on Earth going about survival and replication syndrome at Home...

automatterical = its happened, its happening and it'll keep on happening basically.

generated = genus in Latin.

genus = the kind of nucleic-acid-based-organism on the Phylogenetic Tree With No Names for which an issue has arisen regarding the matter in focus.

However, how everything got started "precisely" may remain as a mystery for some time to all of us, although it appears the beginnings of life emerged from gravitational forces, weak forces, strong forces and electromagnetic forces approximately 14 billion years ago. Single cell life emerged approximately 4 billion years ago, multicellular life approximately 1 billion years ago and Homo sapiens as we know them today approximately 200,000 years ago. How things work today isn't a mystery, we survive and replicate.

A lot of theories appear to emerge into one salient hypothesis, "Absolutely, it's an intersection between quanta and waves all down to the Planck scale of things, so to speak? If there is something else that got everything from where it all seems to emanate at first to where it is today, then I don't know what it is?"

Anecdotally, I've discovered that at the end of the day, you will need this road map. Because I suspect much of the World's governance these days has been usurped by Nazi eugenecists and is authorized by perfidious xenophobes, sadly...

The Heart of SARS: 22. Adopt an attitude until it becomes a habit, and with a bit of work and a bit of luck, a person may develop a new way of life.

So whose attitude is the best to adopt? Or should we read, "Whose attitude is the best to adopt in 2017 and moving ahead in life?" There are so many to choose from, as noted on TV, and the streets are full of people with attitude, where do we start?

Our attitudes take shape from the moment we are born. Finding ways to get our needs met, we move from one attitude to another, sometimes biting into other people as easily as we bite into our food. As we age and move into the cultural intersectionality that is called life, we need to adopt more attitudes to get by, given the variability in global populations.

Fortunately we're not the first population to experience a cultural intersectionality head on, so there are plenty of books in the libraries describing how to 'get along,' just in case people ever get back to going to libraries again. Whatever we learn will nevertheless lead us to become ourselves eventually, a mix of Art, Science, Practice, Experience, Knowledge, Technology and Beliefs, or ASPEKT-B, or not.

The Heart of SARS: 23. Death Before Dishonour.

The environment shouldn't drive a person towards suicide. However, Winnipeg, like most cities does that, and we all know what that means? If someone suspects the environment is responsible for the suicide attempts of young and old disenfranchised people alike, then its time to apply the 4-step rule to see what's going on, I'd say? There are good, bad and ugly examples of lifestyles everywhere, and it's the ugly environmental stimuli that need repaired.

This is going on all the time with the various 'Security Services' around the World as they work towards making the World a safer place than it was before. We play our parts by complying with rules and regulations, ensuring we're not defying the rules and regulations and that these rules and regulations are applied non-discriminately to the population in general. This way we ensure we're not participating in anything dishonourable.

When we find ourselves in conflict with society because the rules and regulations don't appear to be fair, then suicide shouldn't be our only option to defend ourselves; it doesn't make sense? Policies are derived from previous 'sticking points' so when new policies need to be developed, as indicated by increasing suicides or suicide attempts in the community, then something needs to be done to fix the policies or a new policy committee needs to be elected in my view?

Photo courtesy of "Readings On Human Behavior, The Best of Science '80 ~ '86, Alan L. Hammond and Philip G. Zimbardo."

The Heart of SARS: 24. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, its so yesterday.

Appearances create a lot of confusion at this cultural intersectionality that we call life, I'd say?

So, how have appearances emerged to play such an important role in our society when it comes to determining employability in today's Cyber world of humans being human, suffering from not only the affects of SARS, but also from the effects of SARS? And where does 'cloning' or 'caste-typing' fit into that, just now, what with all the carry-on in healthcare and the government, as well as the ability and will of our protective personnel to maintain peace, order and good governance in Canada and elsewhere?

I don't know the answer to that, however, I believe I have a template to employ strategies to monitor not only the Good behaviours in our homes and communities, but also the so called Bad and Ugly behaviours that vex and shatter the lives of ordinary people suffering SARS.

Once a consensus or reconciliation is formed upon what is Good for a community about an "issue," then the 'Affects' of the consensus are Policed (somehow) for Good, Bad or Ugly 'Effects' that emerge as a result of the reconciliation moving ahead.

Bad effects are typically remedied by encouraging Re-integration, Re-training and Re-employment strategies, whereas Ugly effects, following the same practices, leads to Regression, Retaliation, Rebellion and possible Reset of the equilibrium if a remedy isn't discovered, I'd say? I don't know, I've never been down that road before . . .

The Heart of SARS: 25. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear...

Dirty laundry is everyone's concern, we all have some I'm guessing? It's equally likely there's nothing been done that hasn't been done before. Maybe not precisely the same way, but similar; I believe there's an audio recording somewhere to support that notion?

So what have we, as a species like every other species on the planet, got to hide from each other, especially these days on the Internet? Hardly anything is left I'd say; what isn't known? We've blown the doors of privacy according to mainstream media reporting, Hackers and whatnot, so basically nothing is sacred anymore. So where does that leave us today?

Moving ahead cautiously is probably the most reasonable outcome? Protecting ourselves somehow when we feel like our next move will completely expose our vulnerabilities to the World. This way we can ensure our exposed position won't completely throw us to the wolves, so to speak. And that's about all we can do.

Taste And Try Before You Buy . . . . .

Oral to Vaginal, Oral to Anal and Oral to Wizzer, I forget the other names for penis just now, are the Natural ways to "Screen" our Urinary Tract and our Digestive Tract, for stuff that will harm us; between a single pair of animals.

Before you begin, please use a bidet to wash your genitals and peri-anal areas, as well as brush and floss your teeth to reduce to a minimum the transfer of biological organisms that may irritate your partner. herpes 1 and herpes 2 don't wash off.

Also, please brush and floss your teeth too. You would not want to get spit in your eye and need to wait 24 hours to see that you don't get a "Stye In The Eye" or an inflamed swelling on the edge of the eyelid, caused by bacterial infection of the gland at the base of an eyelash, albeit that's pretty good evidence that there are no infections going on in the oral cavity if you don't I reckon?

Also, 90 years ago, Urinalysis as well as Microbiological Analysis of Urine was done in Human Beings, when Nurses, like my Mother Olive Garbutt, TASTE-TESTED dozens of FEMALE urine samples daily as part of the job. My Mother was a human incubator for Microbiology and Urinalysis

Many people in the Healthcare or Psychiatry professions "yesterday" were Human incubators, TASTE-TESTING the clients urine for Biological Pathogens, not limited to but including SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES for example, Chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus I (HSVI-) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), human papillomavirus (HPV), Gonorrhea, Syphilis , Trichomoniasis, Giardiasis (beaver fever) in addition to Chemistry analysis for Glucose and Urea to name a few on a daily basis for the people they're caring for?

They NEVER got sick, so what does that tell ANYONE about where post World War II (1939 - 1945) sexual promiscuity leaves us today, please.

I know I learned what to listen to from Olive, and Canadian Healthcare doesn't reflect what was Olive's practice, and what I practice I learned to practice from Olive...

Photo courtesy of "Readings On Human Behavior, The Best of Science '80 ~ '86, Alan L. Hammond and Philip G. Zimbardo."

The Heart of SARS: 26. What God has joined together, no Man will tear asunder.

We are all enveloped within the bounds of FEAR and MYSTERY I reckon?

The Phylogenetic Tree is "en masse" of nucleic acid based organisms (ALL OF THEM), or NABOs, and a NABO may be thought of as "un mass" (ONE OF THEM) and each "mass" has a "Functional Capacity" to WORK <--- whatever that looks like, I repeat, whatever that looks like, and the individual masses are working at survival and replication syndrome; EVIDENTLY because we're still moving...

Somewhere since the beginning right up until now, GOD's been working out what Homeostatic Symbiosis looks like, not only in the spirit of the moment, but I reckon how it's gonna look down the road too (A suspicion?)? "Homeostatic Symbiosis = Least Amount Of Wasted Energy" I'd hypothesize?

Some ordinary people on the endeavour of survival and replication syndrome or SARS, appear, at least based upon the evidence I've been collecting over the past 68 years, to have taken a dominant and predacious approach to other NABOs for food to survive the endeavour of SARS; some go further than that and they prey on other NABOs within the same Ilk as their own mass genotype for sport, killing them, for sport and not for food. I don't reckon that's God's idea of homeostatic symbiosis, not at all?

Phenotyping or cloning people to believe one thing or another goes on all the time, perfidiously its called luring with intent upon entrapment en mass for good or bad or ugly reasons. Sometimes it's called Christianity or whatever "The Cult" calls it? Sometimes its called Hells Angels...

There ought to be laws in place for when a "Cult" turns malevolently "en masse" with a view to insidiously and perniciously eradicating an individual "mass" demonstrating normal behaviour I reckon?

So until we're close to homeostatic symbiosis in the spirit of the moment, please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward : )

Homeostatic Symbiosis of the Global Genome is what matters, and that's under God's control . . . . .

Homeostatic Symbiosis = Least amount of wasted energy foci or focusses = Agreement = Safe and Fearless exchange of something tangible that can be seen or touched, correct position at all times...

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate : )

When Life Is A Teacher, Love Is A Healer, and love heals many wounded hearts long before we ever entertain any of these ideas, and love at the end of the day, or our lives, is always the best medicine for most ailments of conflicting interests, I'd say?

The Heart of SARS: 27. You've got to keep the Devil down in the hole.

No kidding? What with so many 'easy outs' so to speak, and because we can all see what a big number the global population is replicating up to since the 1970's; its more than doubled. How many more people can the planet sustain? Just because Moms and Dads around the World believe our existence is a good idea, doesn't mean everyone else is of the same opinion. The cost of living has more than tripled since 2000, at least where home ownership is concerned. How can we afford to live and raise families? The answer is some of us can and some of us don't get to access printed money, sadly.

Some of us contemplate our lot and make the best of it, while others appear to rip the lid of Satan's crypt and let all Hell fly loose, and there's just about everything in between, including diaper changes.

Irrespective of the journey we all arrive at the same destination, facing our funeral song, and its there we'll learn the value attributed to our carbon footprint, whether life has been balanced or not.

Apart from just not being here anymore, how many of us know, or inquire about death or the process of dying? Euthanasia, or assisted suicide is available for pets all across Canada, so why isn't the option available equally to humans? Apart from the fact many of us aren't quite there yet, the notion of choosing death as the best option sometimes puts an expression of bewilderment on the face of the inquisitor more so than the person choosing that option, for example, in the event of some unforeseen, yet possible turn of events coming about?

There are some situations I've seen people in where I can tell you without a word of a lie that if I end up like that then you have my permission to euthanize me using blunt force trauma if need be, because I've seen some states not fit for a beast to live in, never mind a human. On the other hand, I've seen some beautiful, community orientated environments where a community would know what's best; it's that simple to determine I'd say?

Photo courtesy of "Readings On Human Behavior, The Best of Science '80 ~ '86, Alan L. Hammond and Philip G. Zimbardo."

The Heart of SARS: 28. Don't give up.

Don't give up on life, that's for sure. Other things yes, but life, no. So what are the major issues in the World today apart from food, cloths, shelter, peace, order and good governance? What can we do when things turn flat except wait for things to turn up again?

Sometimes the most difficult part of any journey is the final push for the prize, so to speak, or sometimes afterwards, getting back to normal and whatnot, as mentioned above. Or a catastrophe emerges and knocks everything helter-skelter. What causes us to endeavour in the unknown inquisitively, searching things out; it's a mystery to many people, but I reckon its an instinct to survive basically? What causes us not to take on bold endeavours is an acceptance of our lot in life and the constraints imposed by the environment.

There'll be times we will encounter challenges beyond our scope to deal with at the time, where we may need to let decision making in these instances go to someone with more experience? In some instances its useful to reflect on similar occurrences from the past, to use as a guide in the decision making process; to think of the earlier experiences as training experiences for the present difficulty and see if we can transfer some coping skills from our earlier experience and apply them to the new experience?

Anecdotally, I'm discovering and determining for myself what causes me to be me by studying guitar, piano and vocal elocution, and attempting to extricate my absolute self (good memes) from my fabricated self (bad memes). For example, when I'm in tune with the music I'm performing, its not uncommon to become distracted from the performance. If the distraction is caused by a good meme, I may let myself follow that lead, so to speak. However, if I'm distracted by a bad meme, for instance, a fight breaks out among the audience during a performance, then I respond appropriately to that bad meme.

The Heart of SARS: 29. Music paints all paths the same colour and all colours the same path . . . . .

I must confess at this point that my musical influences emanate primarily from the late 1950's to the early 1970's, then I became a more discerning young adult. Dancing and dance lessons were popular pass times then, and I'm sure thy still are? Sadly, it appears the rockers of the 1960's era vanished into an illusion of sound and light, only to be replaced by someone else's idea of a musical fantasy than the post World War II, 1939 to 1945 entertainment companies, who were trying to restore and instil vitality into a post war era fatigued population.

With so many popular, as well as cryptic scales to perform in, and so many time phrases, its my opinion that its difficult to start anywhere other than 4/4 timing with variable populations with a view to synchronicity? Once synchronicity is established, or more simply put, once people have got the basic dance steps learned, then they can go on to more challenging dance moves. A person only needs to look and see what's happened over that past 40 years or so in music to understand why some of us retiree aged folks are shaking our heads, I'd say?

Voice Training...

Please listen to this demonstration of proper use of the English Language as at tool for agreement, where agreement = Safe and Fearless

Symbiotic, Zoonotic & Azotic + Housekeeping words or personal identification, using tone of voice, are the 3 main words NEEDED to become a CELL or Companion or Friend with a Cat, e.g., Beethoven & Riff Vandal, The Fighting Mavericks, we are a Cell. Symbiotic & Zoonotic are the 2 out of 3 good behaviours in Latin. Examples being tic-toxic, tic-no-tic is similar to zoo-no-tic just worse, anti-biotic = anti-pathic or antithetical, and more for azo-tic. ..

Ami Ami 2023

DNA decoding into messenger RNA also has similar switches to translation pathways in the DNA/RNA of viruses. Please read Assembly and secretion of rubella virus-like particles in mammalian cells - Michael Garbutt's M.Sc. Thesis and the all the references therein to begin to understand how that works...

The English Language has endured many hardships:

1. Latin Invasion and Roman Catholicism 2000 years ago.

2. German Invasion, World War I (1914 - 1918).

3. Another German Invasion, World War II (1939 - 1945).

4. The Metric Invasion 60 years ago.

5. Capitalism = ongoing...

The English Language is a TOOL for Agreement = Safe and Fearless when used properly . . . . .

Please listen the the enunciation of " t r s " in this video for an example of which letters demand the user to switch tracks, or think more before speaking further...

When the English Language is spoken properly, and it isn't spoken properly here in Manitoba, it is SELF-CORRECTING as long as a person understands the COVERT signal(s)

Understand how to enunciate "r" "s" and "t" from the English Alphabet PROPERLY, and learn why that it's important to remember that "r" is for ROAR, whereas "s" and "t" are for STOP ROARING

o, p, q, r, s, t

o, p = ordinary people

q = queue or line-up; when activated becomes, "Queue begins to form"


s and t = stop, think tapping a cymbal tst, tst, tst...

opqrst ---> opqRst ---> opQRst --->stopQR... |<---- Nowhere to go, except to retrain voice, with a view to reintegration and re-employment before moving ahead in time

opqrst ---> opqRst ---> opQRst ---> stopQR ---> stopQr ---> stopqr ---> opqrst ---> commence moving ahead in time . . . . .

Think of the alphabet as a line in the sand, and you can't get from beneath the sub-net mask to operate using the English language properly without passing the opqrst test

NOTE: Recorded in one take. NO editing. So voice NEEDs to be able to do that on the fly . . . . .

Voice Training: $30 per hour, $18 per half-hour

Please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward.

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate...

Anyway, I'm sure our society will adapt to the music it enjoys and the remainder will fill up storage spaces on data servers around the world, waiting its turn.

Flower Opening - Mike Garbutt

The Heart of SARS: 30. The Art of Survival And Replication Syndrome (The Art of War = Surround & Starve, Divide & Conquer - see image below).

Image file = Dan Bright - source = BBC science focus the-human-body macrophages

When life is its own reward on the endeavour of Survival And Replication Syndrome, "The Book Of Love" only has one page describing how to resolve an issue that emerges to disturb peace. Please don't choose perfidy...

Any psychiatrist or psychologist worth their salt will also tell you that "Truth Is Comfortable."

As well, they'll teach us how to determine for ourselves based upon reliable and trustworthy information that "Self Identification,"️ as well as retraining ourselves with a view to reintegration and employment in the service industry is a good option moving ahead . . . . .

While "Self Determination" appears to be the most appropriate remedy to improve well-being "By Finding Our Own TONE Of Voice Through Practise TALKING OUT LOUD TO OURSELVES to resolve complex issues that befuddle us?" it's also possible that reconciliation with "A New Normal" may be spelled out using 69 words, to get from a broken heart to repaired heart again, using the template below...

First, people air their differences with intelligent freedom upon an issue they've identified.

Then as many people involved with the issue as possible try to sort out a consensus, or reconciliation, if possible, under the circumstances.

Once a consensus or reconciliation is formed upon what is Good for a community about an "issue," then the 'Affects' of the consensus are Policed (somehow) for Good, Bad or Ugly 'Effects' that emerge as a result of the reconciliation.

Bad effects are typically remedied by encouraging Re-integration, Re-training and Re-employment strategies, whereas Ugly effects, following the same practices, leads to Regression, Retaliation, Rebellion and possible Reset of the equilibrium if a remedy isn't discovered, I'd say? I don't know, I've never been down that road before?

However, using a mixture of truth and allegory, the image below reflects the occupations I've been employed in over the past 60 years, and may serve as a base-line for the occupations of the future, for example, Education, Technology, Agriculture, Governance, Justice, Arts, Music, Spirituality, Sustainability, and Homeostasis for all the Global Genome et cetera, before moving ahead...

Please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward . . . . .

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate...

The Heart of SARS: 31. The Art of Love: First you take her, then you hold her.

Love, the word, expresses our cell biology's response to a quintessential emotion like no other, I'd say? "Love is the answer" or "Love hurts" are common themes in music and life, and hanging on to love during tough times isn't for the feint of heart, I can attest to that.

We radiate our emotions, be it physically or verbally, and attentive listeners using a little deductive reasoning, can usually figure out where someone is at, or coming from, so to speak.

On a personal note, a remarkable coincidence occurred in my life recently. Three milestones in my life appeared to occur at the same time that I noticed the intersection of three collector roads, routes 42 and 62 heading North and route 95 heading West in Winnipeg, Manitoba, locally known as 'Confusion Corner.' At the time I was 62 years of age and had been away from home for 42 years. I'd also been married for 33 years, and by adding 62 + 33 = 95, I discovered the remarkable coincidence between the road sign and my life.

Anyway, I've also heard some remarkable phrases that I'd like to share with you too:

She said, "I want this to mean something."

She said, "I enjoy how your music resonates through me, how your words pull at my heart and rest there. Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes of how I could relate to the words. I like to imagine you wrote these words, that we are connected through song, though our lives would probably never cross. I know I appreciate your songs, mainly because I feel the way your words wrap around me. I just wanted to write this and say, Thank You"

She said, "I'll take care of you."

Marjorie Moore said, "Volunteering at Siloam Mission is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in."

Olive Garbutt (my mother) said, "Please God Michael."

I say, be caring, understanding, tender, empathetic, supportive, a companion and be affectionate, and let your action describe your love. 'Cos at the end of the day, Love is simply a word at the overt level of the Planck scale, and I would personally like to think that its something more than karaoke, or a lot of hot air from an empty orchestra, so to speak?

So I guess what I'm saying is, "Don't give up on love, even when it hurts."

Who knew the book of Love only had one page?

Please consider adopting children, because life is its own reward?

Bailey and Rogan - Last Import

The Science Behind Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS)

Assembly and secretion of rubella virus-like particles in mammalian cells - Michael Garbutt's M.Sc. Thesis

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Take care, and please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward. And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate : )

Please contact Mike Garbutt at: about any of the above information, or simply help support Mike, and make a PayPal contribution today, thank you