An Englishman's Experience of working @ NML-PHAC 1998 to 2010


Mike Garbutt -AKA- Riff Vandal on facebook, immigrated to Canada from the United Kingdom in his mid 20's, and shortly afterwards met a young woman, fell in love and married. Mike spent the next 40 years of his life at home in a monogamous relationship as a responsible and accountable husband and father of one Son. Mike worked for most of his life, and saved enough money so as to be able to afford 15 years of post-secondary education (10 years full-time, 5 years part-time) in Automotive Technology and Healthcare, where he spent 35 years either as a Medical Laboratory Scientist, a Medical Researcher and Vaccine Developer, where he helped develop an efficacious EBOLA vaccine that's saved hundreds of thousand of lives in the DRC so far, and as a palliative care musician amid vulnerable people with limited functional capacities for 15 years.

Plus, Mike served the community for 23 years playing host on the Musicians Network (Winnipeg, MB) which nowadays has a facebook page sharing local Winnipeg memes.

Work Bio: Its hard to believe that the first of two career ending work related injuries I've sustained in my life occurred 40 years ago this year : ) Then after I hurt my back humping a rear axle truck spring on my own (hot tip = don't do that!), I spent 10 agonizing years sitting down in the classroom becoming a medical scientist and vaccine developer to earn an income (hot tip = definitely don't do that!!). Nowadays I'm fabricating memes for facebook...

Due to the rapidly advancing standard operating procedures emerging with the latest developments in medical laboratory technology, Mike, along with his family, spent seven years in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, studying medical laboratory sciences, pretty much. Mike learned protocols in molecular biology and cellular biology, and used those skills while performing his duties with the Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, when he and his family moved to Winnipeg in 1998.

Take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward : )

Mike Garbutt's Version Of Merck's EBOLA Vaccine Development


Misfeasance & Malfeasance in Public Offices is responsible for but is not limited to the following problems affecting & effecting Canadians today:

Targetted Vigilantism & Guerrilla Warfare in Canada and Canadian Healthcare:

From E. Coli (1914 - 1918 WW I dysentery) to Ebola (2014 - 2016 West Africa tast & try before you buy):

Read about the Effects Of 100 Years Of Biological Warfare On Healthcare Practices in Canada, including E. coli World War One (WWI: 1914 - 1918), STIs World War Two to the present day (WWII: 1939 - 1945), T.B. (post WWII), HIV-AIDS (1980's to present day), Hepatitis A, B, C, et cetera (100 years of living memory!), Rubella in the 1990s, severe-accute-respirarory-&-immune-dysrhythmia-syndrome-corona-viruses SARS One & Two ...

& Indo-China Warfare is going on RIGHT NOW too I reckon, complicating all that. ..

Because of Targetted Vigilantism & Guerrilla Warfare in Canada and Canadian Healthcare, properties that I've discovered personally with neither Value nor Currency in Canada TODAY =

Serving for 40 years in monogamy as a responsible & accountable parent & partner.

Serving for 40 years as & as an advocate for Canadian CitizenShip.

Serving for 40 years, WoRkInG in Health Care as a Medical Scientist, as well as in other medical science capacities including Independent Investigator, Animal Husbandry & Palliative Care Worker.

Nor can Ordinary People work their way out of poverty, despite 15 years self-funded post-secondary education, leading towards 3 med. sci. degrees & 4 diplomas & certificates of Championship to boot.

Michael Garbutt immigrated to Canada as a Journeyman, nowadays termed JourneyPerson Automotive Mechanic as well as The Guinness Trophy from College for Graduating as the most proficient, final year craft student.

Then Mike worked for 40 years in Canada's Healthcare system, during which time he earned 3 Medical Science degrees and 4 diplomas in Automotive Mechanics and Medical Laboratory Sciences, where he once again, won the most proficient student graduating in the final year practicing medical laboratory science.

If if wasn't for Racial Discrimination in Healthcare & everywhere else, including The Police & Justice system, Mike would still be working in Medical Sciences. Instead, "Someone" or "Group" has forced Mike into poverty & Mike has been Arrested & Physically & Chemically Incarcerated 6 times for NO reason, & Mike lives under the threat of Indefinite Physical & Chemical Incarceration by the Police EVAERY DAY.

Have a safe day, 'cos I've been arrested as well as physically & chemically incarcerated by The Police 6 times recently after being FRAMED by WPS & I live in fear of indefinite physically & chemically incarceration, being murdered or worse. ..

As for my "colleagues" in the photo above, Tom Hobman offered my a job one day, which I accepted thankfully as it was costing me $1000 per month to pay the bills for myself and my family than I was earning, then gave it to someone else the next day! & although that's wrongful dismissal and my thesis qualified for a Ph.D, I only received my Masters of Science certificate? Nice guy eh?

Next, I won a competition to work for the Public Health Agency of Canada at NML, however, Graham Tipples must have decided it was his personal lab. It was a Rubella Lab but he did not want to set up a Rubella diagnostic kit, as was being requested by 3rd parties (Brazil). Rubella diagnostics was handed over to another guy there even though I'd spent the past three years getting up to date on the latest molecular diagnostics & I got the computer printer to set up, you know, take it out the box and plug it in. I got 5 days allocated to do that? Graham also refused to accommodate my limited functional capacity to work full or part time.

I left Graham's lab and went to work for Steve Jones / Heinz Feldmann. Heinz discovered I worked well as an independent investigator & by that time I had just shy of 20 years lab experience including 10 years training at college and university, so he put me to work and it was Heinz and I who successfully completed the first experiments demonstrating the efficacy of The Ebola Vaccine. Steve Jones fired me, probably because I was more competent than he was (he didn't work well with scalpels). The patent with S. Jones is invalid in Canada, as I presented the data in the public domain before the patent was applied for. According to Canadian Law ANYONE can make that vaccine in Canada. And THEY were not interested in collaborating with the University of Alberta to make the vaccine but elected to put it on the stock exchange via new link genetics <--- that's not what I was told was going to happen.

It happened again with Stefan Wagener who promised me a Ph.D for work I had done and was doing, and Wagener failed to accommodate my limited functional capacity to work full or part time. Mike Drebot lied about me and my work. Jody Berry was my last employer although he doesn't work for the PHAC anymore (but his friends do). Jody gave me a 2 year project to do to produce an antibody; I found a collaborator; Jody was producing antibodies 2 months later. ..

Sad ending to the Canadian Adventure, eh?

Please contact Mike Garbutt at: with any employment opportunities you may have, or simply help support Mike, and make a PayPal contribution towards Mike's continuing endeavours, thank you. ..

When Mike Garbutt's worked at NMP-PHAC as Head of Biological Safety & Environment, Matt Gilmore sabotaged the work he was doing on at least one occasion (where he was caught out doing so... )





After being forced out of my job because of a neck injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident in 2003, I was placed under surveillance for 15 years by Manitoba Public Insurance, or at least that's how long I waited for a determination on my application for disability benefits; which I still haven't received in writing 20 years later!


After reporting my suspicions of crime at NML-PHAC, I was arrested & physically as well as chemically incarcerated 6 times, although I committed no crime...


In 1999 & upon my arrival in Winnipeg to work at NML-PHAC, I was framed as a child abuser...


Racial Profiling & Discriminatory Medical Practices, as well as the "invention" of psychiatry [to control the population and Vox Populi of the population; using fear tactics as well as luring with intent to entrap] in Canada: Today!

Including: MAiD & SARS I & SARS II & EBOLA the true story & Raising & Losing Family & 110 years of Biological Warfare & Christianity In Canada

Please contact Mike Garbutt at: with any employment opportunities you may have, or simply help support Mike, and make a PayPal contribution towards Mike's continuing endeavours, thank you


The Science Behind Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS)

Assembly and secretion of rubella virus-like particles in mammalian cells - Michael Garbutt's M.Sc. Thesis

Michael Garbutt's peer reviewed publications

Michael Garbutt's Certification

Music With Mike Garbutt

Mike Garbutt's Music Videos

Michael (Mike) Garbutt aka Riff Vandal's facebook page

Michael (Mike) Garbutt aka Riff Vandal's home page